
Sunday, January 8, 2012

how to create ur own ip finder?

hey frndz.. want to create ur own ip finer ,if yes
copy this coding and save it into notead andsaveit likexxx.bat (in .bat extension)

@title IP Finder - Created By Sahil Mehra & color F2
@echo off & break off & @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³
@echo ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³º IP Finder º³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³
@echo ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³

@set /p Website=Type Website URL Here :
@for /f "tokens=3" %%Z in ('ping %Website%^| find "["') do (
@for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%J in ("%%Z") do (
@set ip=%%J & @set ip=!ip:[=!
@set ip=!ip:]=! & @set ip_Website=!ip!
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo ºµ²²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²µ²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²µ²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²µ²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²µ²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²µ²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²µ²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²µ²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²µ²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²²µº & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo ºµ²²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²µ²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²µ²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²µ²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²µ²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²µ²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²µ²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²µ²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²µ²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²²µº & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo ºµ²²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²µ²²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²µ²²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²µ²²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²µ²²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²µ²²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²µ²²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²µ²²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²µ²º & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo É==========»
@echo º²²²²²²²²²µº & @echo È==========¼
@ping localhost -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
@cls & @echo. & @echo Website Address: %Website%
@echo IP Address: %ip_Website% & @echo. & @echo Press { ENTER } to continue...
@pause > nul
goto Coding


how to hack a website by using cmd?

hlo,frndz i'm going to show u how to hack a website by using cmd or using deniel service attack
frst of all what is deniel service attack it means when a website get more data from its capacity and it crashed this is called deniel service attack
for this attack u have a great internet speed bcoz if ur pc has slow speed u havebeen traced by host and u gone to jail
step wni key+r for run and type cmd for command prompt
2.when cmd open type ping which u want to crashed or down
3.then it show its ip notepadand type "ping " and save it xxx.bat the notepad file and it take some time it show "request timed out" but wait and it show its result....

note: in my way do'nt take any risk and i'm not responsibli for any hacking purpose....

How to trace a web site location by its ip adress ?

Hi frndz my best topic in hacking is track or trace a web site
today's my topic is trace a website ip and track its location
first of all go to start>run, type cmd and enter or simply open notepad and type and save it into anything.bat or by pressing windows key+r
when cmd open then type" which u want to trace.
it takes several minutes when its end in last u see its ip like in box[]
mark or copy the ip adress and goto or .when the website opens there come a box type the ip adress in the box and press track or trace button ...
thnks, for this upgrde ur internet speed

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to Hack a website by using DOT NET NUKE Attack?

Hi, frndz today i am going to show u very intrestin post on hack a web site by dot net nuke ...
for this hack u have to find a vulnerale site..(which is able to hack and which have small no. of security)
for find a vulnerable site go to and type "inurl:tabid/1500/default.aspx
or "inurl:/portals/0
u also find more dorks from ok
when u find a vulnerable site edit its url like e.g: to ""
or ""
without quotes. there come a box .when there come an option box then change the url into javascript erase all url and type javascript:__dopostback('ctlURL$cmdupload',") and press enter
then there u see a upload button in hat option . upload ur jpeg or text file and pree upload button. congrates u hack a website.....
for see ur file type ( and enter
i'm waiting for ur good comments for any help e-mial at

for this u have a good internet speed....